Australian man arrested at U.S. Capitol building

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 A 33-year old visitor to the United States, named Wen Hao Zhao from Sydney, Australia, was arrested at the Capitol building on Monday, after he was observed by police standing in a “statue-like pose” and carrying two suitcases. When confronted by officers of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) who were called to the scene at 12:45 p.m. EST, he is reported to have been unresponsive to questioning. “He only would say at first that he wanted to speak to President Bush,” according to USCP Chief…

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United States begins testing equipment for demolition of a major VX nerve gas stockpile

Saturday, May 7, 2005 Testing began on a chemical reactor at the Newport Chemical Depot near Terre Haute, Indiana on Friday morning. If successful, the reactor will be put to use destroying the large VX nerve gas stockpiles stored at the facility over the course of the next two years. After the disposal project experienced several delays, the facility announced it would begin pumping VX into a completed disposal unit for testing. The unit consists of a chemical reactor in which the VX will be mixed with water and sodium…

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